Sunday, April 8, 2012

Not so good day

Today Andrew has been in a lot of pain. His jaw and tongue hurt very badly, I called the on call doctor this evening and she said this is normal for this chemo routine and to start adding Tylenol into his pain pill regimen. This probably won't be something that will torment him everyday until the treatments are done but will probably happen everytime he receives a treatment for some days. Andrew couldn't enjoy the ham my mom cooked because of the salt, but one of Andrews favorite, my moms homemade drop biscuits, saved the night. Hopefully tomorrow will be better :)

1 comment:

  1. Water is going to be key to keeping him hydrated and in aiding those mouth sores. Popsicles, cold smoothies, awesome homemade juices are all excellent for keeping his mouth in good shape. And a good moisturizer on his lips and corners of his mouth will prevent cracking as well.
