Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Andy is sure feeling the effects of the chemotherapy, especially the prednisone.  It causes increased hunger as a side effect, as well as water retention and weight gain and he has it all, fortunately the primary effect of the medication is to decrease inflammation from the tumors and it has definitely done that for Andy!  I decided to go visit with him this weekend to try to lift his spirits a bit.  Although he has this tough exterior "I'm fine" I can tell this time spent in the hospital alone is wearing on him.  There is no doubt that the texts, emails, but especially the visits in the hospital really lift him up.  He hates that he continues to lose his arm and leg hair, more every week, he keeps rubbing his head as if it surprises him that there is just peach fuzz there.  His fortitude continues to amaze me!  Lets all keep showing him how proud we are of him and show our positive support to him during these difficult days ahead!

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