Wednesday, March 21, 2012

First treatment

Andrews first treatment will be either This coming Monday or Tuesday. We will be heading back down to SF this Sunday so he can be there for another PET scan on Monday morning. Andrew decided to sign up for a study that involves doing two months of the regular chemotherapy regimen and if the cancer isn't responding bumping the chemicals up and proceeding with the German method Jeanne wrote about, this is why he needs to have another scan done. Andrew is really scared about starting the chemo and fears he is going to be miserable throughout the entire time. The doctor did mention that he has patients that find the chemo gives them relief from the uncomfortable symptoms they had been experiencing from the cancer, so we are keeping our fingers crossed that these reliefs will override the negative effects of the treatments. Scarlet will be staying with my mom again next week while I go back to SF with Andrew she is doing well and enjoying the time with Grammy I think. The hospital is going to hook us up with a social worker to help us with lodging at a discounted rate. I think this concludes pretty much everything I have for tonight. I feel like I'm forgetting something so I might be adding to this tomorrow sometime. We want to thank everyone for there love and support.

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