Wednesday, November 28, 2012

PET results are in

The PET showed no change from before BEACOPP and after ABVD. That means the chest tumor seems to still be alive. There is a chance the PET is wrong so a biopsy is being planned. This takes special surgical skill given the location. Timing tbd. If it still is alive a new chemo regimen specific for Hodgkins will start. This is outpatient every 3 weeks for 4 times with a PET in the middle. We need to stay focused on the cure! The timeline changed but nothing more.


  1. So we wait until after the surgical biopsy to figure out what's going on. Then based on those results we'll figure out what to do next. Staying focused. Staying positive. Andy will beat this.

  2. Praying for you guys. I feel flashbacks when reading about this. I am sorry that you all have to go through it. We love you all.
