Monday, April 23, 2012

S/P 2nd Chemo...

I spoke with Andy last night, he sounded good although his mouth is just starting to get sore again. He was hoping he would be able to get another meal down w/o too much pain and he did. He said he is tired but not nearly as much as immediately after the first chemo treatment. (it's amazing how much our bodies can take) Anyway, he said that he appreciates all of our continued support and appreciates hearing from us. I think I speak for all of us, we hope that his energy remains, and his side effects are less and less as time goes on! KEEP FIGHTING THIS CANCER! XOXOXO!!!

1 comment:

  1. Andy, sure hope you are feeling stronger each day. I found that 7-10days after treatment, I had several 'good' days before the next round. I had a port from the beginning of treatment. It made the infusions faster and avoided all the poking an proding of the IV. Chest was a bit sore for a week or two after the port installation, however. If you want to talk to someone who has/is in the oncology boat with you, I would be happy to be a sounding board. I am your cousin (ok, maybe it's second, or once removed, whatever) Cindy Corlett Vest (your Mom has my contact info)
